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June 1, 2022

Dear East Aurora Community,

As we enter the final month of the 21-22 school year, I look back with pride and gratitude for all the good things each of you have done for our students this year.  Regardless of the role you play, it takes all of us at our best for EA Schools to be as great as they can be.      

As a part of this recognition and celebration, I want to preview for you that next week we will be celebrating our annual “tEAm Appreciation Day”.  As part of this, I want to encourage each of you to go out of your way to say “Thank You” to someone who has made this year better for you or your child.

In addition, next week, the PTO’s will be celebrating all of our students with a tradition that began last year: #oneEA day!   Each school will have activities planned that celebrate who we are and the work we have done.  

It is not lost on me that we are celebrating these events as we still seek to make sense of recent tragedies.  As I’ve pondered what we can do to make the world a better place, the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. continue to rise to the forefront of my mind: "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."

With that in mind, I invite you all to join me in supporting our “Community Unity” Charity t-shirt and sweatshirt sale with 100% of proceeds supporting both the Buffalo 5/14 Survivors Fund and the Buffalo Together Community Response Fund.  

Shirts are ONLY available for order until Sunday, June 5th at 11pm  

Shirts are available at: 


Let us continue to support each other, work together, spread love, and celebrate everyone! 


Brian Russ


Learn more: EA Chooses Love.pdf