Health Services

Medication Administration

The East Aurora Board of Education has a policy regarding medications in school. It was adopted because of an increasing awareness and concern for the safety of children taking prescription as well as over-the-counter medication in school.

When circumstances make it necessary for the child to take medication during school hours, the following procedure must be followed followed:

1. The parent must make a written request for administration of the medication.

2.     The prescribing doctor must also make a written request stating the name of the medication, dosage and time to be taken.          

3.    The medication must be brought to the Health Office BY THE PARENT in the original container from the pharmacy which dispensed the prescription.

This policy applies to over- the -counter medication such as aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

All medications will be kept in the Health Office and dispensed from there.  A physician authorization can be obtained for a student to self carry medication. ( inhalers, epipens, etc.)

Written requests must be renewed on the first day of school each September. Please refer to the downloadable "Medication authorization form" below, that needs to be filled out by the parent and private physician.

Health Forms